The Beginner’s Guide to a Successful Internet Marketing Strategy

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With technology taking over our lives faster than a thunderbolt strike, the businesses have a tough call: either embrace well-entrenched internet marketing strategy or lose out on the major market share. You may be weighing your options for an online start-up or taking your traditional brick-and mortar business to online version.

Regardless of the nature of your business, the online success hinges on your marketing plan as in any conventional business but it goes deeper than that. You need to tell Google why your product or services is nicer to people.

In traditional forms of business, the companies that spend more on marketing are usually more successful than the rest. It is not the case when you are doing it online and want to generate sales more through search traffic.

First off, find the right people that understand the dynamics of how search engines work. Keep away from the people who boast their ability to bring you online success within days. There is no shortcut to online success. It is a long-term project that bears it fruits when you are fully equipped with ways of telling Google and other search engines convincingly that your product or service is better than others.

Keep yourself abreast of updates that Google rolls out to make its search engine better, relevant and human-friendly. Now have a look at ways that can help you rank better.


Write Compelling Web Content:

Google places greater emphasis on on-page factors. The content on your website is supposed to be original and worth a read.  The spun or duplicate content will dampen your chances of success.  It is better to hire an in-house writer for that matter.


Never buy links. It may give you an advantage over your competitors for a while but that won’t last long. Google is getting better and better at spotting link buyers/exchangers. Focus on the natural link-building ways instead. The steadier you go, the better the chances of success.

Spam is a Sin:

Don’t spam the Internet with links pointing to your website or you will soon be in trouble. Google wants to return the search results that are relevant, useful and potentially beneficial for the searcher/user.


Social Media:

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit may serve your marketing plans well. Google and other search engines are taking social media signals into consideration more than ever before. An active Facebook page and Twitter account will add value to your online business.

Keep in mind SEO is a lifeline of your online business and a well-grounded strategy is a must when you are vying for top rankings.  And that people don’t look for products or services by name of the company or yourself, they often do by using product-related keywords in search engines.


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